Thomas Petschner


Professor Thomas Petschner is a published author and playwright, former theatre director, stage & interior designer and musician. He also has twin Ph.D.s in nutritional and complementary medicine and is one of the renowned leaders in the field of integrated diagnostics (specialised in facial diagnostics, micro expressions and body language). As an internationally acknowledged researcher of human behaviour and the therapeutic use of humour he is perfectly suited for the wonderful Clown Doctors initiative, to spread fun and happiness to those who need it most.

He created the world's first specialised academic education for Clown Doctors and founded the International Institute for Medical Clowning, a social enterprise at Steinbeis University Berlin. As the founder and CEO of Clown Doctors New Zealand Charitable Trust, he brings the sound of laughter to New Zealand's hospitals and put smiles on the faces of those dealing with challenging illnesses. Thomas is also co-founder and artistic director of the Clown Doctors Singapore.